
The Fredericton Region Museum is holding an event in recognition of local artist Linda Bartlett!

Linda Bartlett has become an increasingly high profile artist in the Fredericton Region. Her home in Sheffield has inspired a whole series of historic and contemporary landscapes that she has shared with the public in such places as the United church in Sheffield and, most recently, the Art Attic.The Art Attic is Linda's personally designed [...]

By |2013-08-06T10:57:07-03:00August 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Local History, Local Beer

Thank-you Picaroons Traditional Ales! Picaroons Traditional Ales launched its commemorative War of 1812 beer this Winter. The beer, celebrating the March of the 104th Regiment of Foot’s trek to Kingston, Ontario, has been crafted by Picaroons to teach local history to the New Brunswick population. At the Fredericton Region Museum’s “March of the 104th Regiment of Foot’s Trek [...]

By |2013-06-30T15:02:22-03:00June 30th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Miguelina Izaguirre is prepared to start her dynamic, kid-friendly programming July 1st

Miguelina Izaguirre has released her July schedule for her programming at the Fredericton Region Museum. She is offering both performances of historic tales, and workshops to teach others how to create art from their own shadows. Monday 1-1:30- Welcome  and introductions 1-2:30  Workshop and games: Playing with shadows and our body (kids and parents). An approach [...]

By |2013-06-28T16:36:42-03:00June 28th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sending a BIG “Thank You!” to The Lighting Gallery

The Fredericton Region Museum would like to thank the lighting gallery for their help with installing lighting in our newly renovated display cabinet. Because of their generosity, we are able to showcase an exciting upcoming display in our Orientation Room. the lighting gallery840 Hanwell RoadFredericton, NB (506) 453-0021www.lightinggallery.ca

By |2013-06-28T11:23:12-03:00June 28th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Canada Day at the Museum: 5 Reasons You Should Join Us!

Museum hours on Canada Day: 12pm - 5pm Once again, the Fredericton Region Museum will be open on Canada Day this year. We’re offering some awesome activities between noon and 5pm, in addition to our usual exhibits. If you’re wondering “Why visit a museum on Canada Day?”, here are 5 great reasons: Children’s [...]

Maugerville 250 Celebration Events

The First English Settlement along the beautiful Saint John River Valley Summer 2013 – Fredericton Region Museum – the beginning of a five-year exhibit about the Pre-Loyalists/Planters of Early Maugerville (Maugerville/Sheffield).  $5.00 admission.  See the Fredericton Region Museum website for details on times, dates, and admission costs.  Opening exhibit is Saturday, July 6 at 5:00 PM. [...]

By |2013-06-22T16:36:04-03:00June 22nd, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Hannah's Tea Place Opens for its Third Summer with its 12 Year Old Hostess

Fredericton, New Brunswick – July 01, 2013 – Spencer Murgatroyd is poised to open her business, "Hannah's Tea Place," for its third consecutive summer. Spencer has served herbal and iced teas with cookies to hundreds of patrons of the FrederictonRegionMuseum over the last two years while portraying Hannah Ingraham, a Loyalist girl featured in one [...]

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