November 2011 Newsletter
Society & Museum representatives honoured by the AMNB; New Brunswickers and the Civil War, Summer Sum Up cont.; Thank You Economy Glass!; Fall Membership Drive Download (3663 kb)
Society & Museum representatives honoured by the AMNB; New Brunswickers and the Civil War, Summer Sum Up cont.; Thank You Economy Glass!; Fall Membership Drive Download (3663 kb)
Mr. Jas. [sic] Lee. of Leiviston [sic] Me. a former overseer of weave room here, died Apr. 11-39 Saxony shut down 3 dys [sic]. Wed. Apr. 19-39 Flannetter down some weeks before on 3 dys [sic]. Part of mill on 4 dys [sic] & part full for a while then all on 4 dys [sic]. [...]
Lot of Flu: Feb. 1939. Heavy thunder & lightning storm Feb. 15-39. (Had the Sisters' [sic] to my house to Turkey Dinner Fri Mar 31-39 [sic]) Sick with Flu. Tue Feb 21-39 Fri. morn. Feb. 24-39. -24 below zero. Gerald Allen very sick from Sking [sic] accident on Feb. 19-39. In hospital week [...]
Image by elycefeliz via FlickrThursday, November 17, 2011 at 7:30 at Old Government House Speaker: Greg Marquis Title: "New Brunswickers in the American Civil War" This talk will discuss what motivated men from New Brunswick to fight in the Civil War, mainly for the North, and how this involvement was viewed 'back home.' Examples will [...]
Jennie Pike’s Date Diary (1932-1940) - Page 20 Heavy snowstorm Thur. Nov. 17-38 Big snow storm. roads [sic] blocked. Fri. Dec. 25-38 Another big storm Sun. Dec. 27-38 Dec 3rd 1938- 11 below zero, nice & clear. lots of snow. I wooked [sic] weekend Dec 4th " - Mild with rain. Dec 5 - [...]
The Fredericton Region Museum office received the following query, if you think you can help us please leave your comments here. “I am searching for a photograph for my gg grandfather Walter Shanks born December 18, 1818 in Saltcoats, Scotland. Captain Shanks was a Master Mariner sailing to and from New Brunswick for 50+ years. I have [...]
Mr. John Doherty died Fri. Oct 7-38 Mrs. Susie Saunders died Oct 7-38 Bishop Richardson of F'ton died. Sat. Oct. 8-38 Countess of Ashburnham died Sun, Oct. 9-38 Oct. 11-38. Thanksgiving Day. Mill down Mon. wooked [sic] on Fri. instead. Repair wook [sic] on chimney of Cotton Mill - fall of 1938. Walter [...]
Little Phipps child died. Apr. 18-38 Mr. Alfred Smith died Apr. 23-38 Bert Brown died May 3-38 Gladys married May 7-38 Verla Dennison died in Vic. Hospital May 15-38 Mr. Andrew Perry died. June 2-38 I took sick on way to work, Tue a.m. June 7-38 loafed 2 months. (Mill went on 4 [...]
A Notice from the York Sunbury Historical Society President Fred White: Two Historical Society and Museum representatives, Ruth Murgatroyd and Elizabeth Earl have recently been honoured by the Association Museums New Brunswick with a Provincial Museums ‘Award of Merit' and a Provincial Museums ‘Quarter Century Award’. These awards were presented at the Association’s [...]
1938/ Rev. M. D. Oliver of U.C. Marysville, died in hospital. Sun. Jan 2-38 Harry Pickard of Devon died Thur. night Jan 13-38 Miss Agnes Ramsey die. Thur. Jan 20-38 Feb 2nd-38 Candlemas Day, cold & clear Sandy Voye died in Moncton hospital Feb. 6-38 Marvin Mitchell & Anita Tait married, Feb. 26-38, [...]