he First World War education trunk features reproduction objects, archival records, and images documenting the war experiences of New Brunswick soldiers who served on the Western Front during the Great War of 1914 – 1918.
Available in both official languages, featured individuals include Ernest Brewer, Percy Winslow Grant, and Percy Guthrie (all of Fredericton), as well as Dora Hubbard (Oromocto), and Arthur Kelly (Stanley). Acadian soldiers are represented by Alfred Belliveau (Fredericton), Félicien Roy (Moncton), Louis Daigle (St-Louis-de-Kent), and Jean Gaudet (Adamsville).
Teachers will find everything they need to provide a unique, informative, and hands-on experience for students learning about the First World War. Call or email us to borrow this trunk for your classroom.
Book this Trunk for your Classroom: (frmoperations@gmail.com)
What is in the War Trunk?

Barrack Box belonging to Private Ernest Brewer/ Soldat Félicien Roy

Trench periscope/ Périscope de tranchée

Military personnel records/ Les dossiers du personnel

Lt-Col Percy Guthrie’s photo album/ Album photo du capitaine Jean Gaudet

Gas alarm rattle/ Crécelle d’alarme de gaz

Soldier’s putee/ Bande molletière du soldat

Trench socks/ Chaussettes de tranchée

Gas mask/ Masque à gaz

Trench club/ Gourdin de tranchée

Trench helmet/ Casque de soldat

Nursing armband and scrapbook belonging to Dora Hubbard/ Brassard de soins infirmiers et scrapbook de Dora Hubbard

Lt Arthur Kelly’s war diary/ Journal de guerre du soldat Jean Gaudet

Military cap belonging to Private Ernest Brewer (NB “Fighting” 26th Battalion)/ Casquette militaire avec l’insigne du bataillon Acadien (le 165ème)

First World War military medals/ Médailles militaires de la Première Guerre mondiale

Commemorative war dead medallion/ Médaille commémorative des morts de guerre