Ripples Internment Camp 1940-45 with Jordyn Bailey
OCTOBER 21 VIRTUAL Presentation, World War Two Canadian Internment Camps: The Ripples Internment Camp, 1940-1945
7 pm, Thursday, October 21, 2021, VIA Zoom
Contact us for the ZOOM Link at frmoperations@gmail.com
The Ripples Internment Camp will be the focus of the first presentation in the 2021-2022 York Sunbury Historical Society’s virtual speaker series with historian Jordyn Bailey.
This LIVE event is FREE and will be held via ZOOM at 7 pm on Thursday, October 21, 2021. The presentation will be recorded and made available online after the event.
Jordyn Bailey is a third year PhD candidate at the University of New Brunswick. Her doctoral research examines the East German Secret Police and their use of the female body in intelligence operations. She completed her master’s at the University of Western Ontario. Her Master’s Thesis, “Arrival of the Fittest: German POWs in Ontario during WWII” studied relations between German Prisoners of War and Canadian civilians in Ontario communities during the Second World War.
In World War Two Canadian Internment Camps: The Ripples Internment Camp, 1940-1945, Jordyn Bailey examines Canadian internment operations in the Second World War, concentrating on Ripples Internment Camp, the sole camp established in the Maritimes, and its repercussions for Frederictonians and the Fredericton community.
Contact us for the ZOOM Link at frmoperations@gmail.com or by phone at 506-455-6041.
For further information, please contact:
Melynda Jarratt, Executive Director, Fredericton Region Museum
York Sunbury Historical Society & Fredericton Region Museum
Tel: (506) 455-6041
Email: frederictonregionmuseum@gmail.com
Web: http://www.frederictonregionmuseum.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FrederictonRegionMuseum
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