New Brunswick & The Black Atlantic 1763-1863
An examination of New Brunswick’s historical narrative through the lens of broader events in the Atlantic Basin – in particular the African Diaspora – will be the focus of the season’s final presentation in the York Sunbury Historical Society virtual speaker series featuring historian Graham Nickerson.
This LIVE event is FREE and will be held via ZOOM at 7 pm on Thursday, May 20, 2021. The presentation will be recorded and made available online after the event. Contact us for the ZOOM Link at frederictonregionmuseum@gmail.com or by phone at 506-455-6041.
Taymouth’s Graham Nickerson has a multifaceted background in enterprise business, commercial and academic research. He holds UNB Geology and Geodesy Geomatics Engineering degrees, with a focus on computer mapping. Graham is a board member of the Black Loyalist Heritage Society and the New Brunswick Black History Society.
He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree at UNB’s Department of History.

Graham Nickerson at the Tomlinson Lake Hike to Freedom
Graham will share the broad spectrum of Black existence in the region that emerges from an examination of the history of Black Maritimers. By approaching this data in a holistic way, and by representing it as an evolving network through time, the gulf narrows between “La Liberte”, a bondsman to Acadian settlers, Black Loyalist refugee “British Freedom” and George Albert, American Civil War era United States Colored Trooper.
Nickerson explains how the quest for freedom and equality was a thread connecting New Brunswick Blacks through space and time back to the earliest Black settlers. His presentation maps those threads and visually depicts that network.
Contact us for the ZOOM Link at frederictonregionmuseum@gmail.com or by phone at 506-455-6041.
For further information, please contact:
Melynda Jarratt, Executive Director, Fredericton Region Museum
York Sunbury Historical Society & Fredericton Region Museum
Tel: (506) 455-6041
Email: frederictonregionmuseum@gmail.com
Web: http://www.frederictonregionmuseum.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FrederictonRegionMuseum
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