The Fredericton Region Museum – 571 Queen Street, Fredericton
The Fredericton Region Museum has a very limited number of summer student opportunities each year. As funding is dependent upon grants (Young Canada Works, SEED/PEP and Canada Summer Jobs), interested students should research the youth employment programs and ensure that they qualify and are registered with the program candidate banks. SEED/PEP applications have an early deadline so please submit your application on time! Positions will be posted and interviews will be scheduled once funding commitments are received. Please send your resume and covering letter to the office addressed to the Executive Director.
Summer 2011 Grant Applications
The summer student grant application deadlines have come and gone and the Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) has submitted applications to three organizations this year. There is no guarentee that we will be recieving funding but if you are a student and interested in working at the museum then you should be registered with SEED, Young Canada Works and Canada Summer Jobs. If any of the grants are approved then we will be updating the website so check back on a regular basis!
We will not be approved for all grants so if you are interested in working at the Fredericton Region Museum during the summer then please apply for more than one position.
The Fredericton Region Museum has submitted student grant applications for the following positions (click the job title for details):
Artefact Cataloguing Officer (Young Canada Works grant)
Manager of Education and Interpretation (Young Canada Works grant)
Museum Operations Coordinator (Assistant to the Executive Director) (Young Canada Works grant)
Development Assistant (Canada Summer Jobs grant)
Collections Assistant or Visitor Services Officer (SEED/PEP grant) – Please note that we do not usually receive two grants for and will only hire for one of these two positions.
Some things to remember when applying for a listed position:
The Fredericton Region Museum has a very limited number of job opportunities each year as funding is dependent upon grants. Job advertisements are posted as the need arises. Resumes received after a stipulated competition end date will not be considered.
Apply in person to the Executive Director at 571 Queen Street with a resume and cover letter during regular business hours.
No phone calls please. It is preferred that applications are dropped off in person since we sometimes do a pre-interviews on the spot if time permits. Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
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