Volume 17, Number 2 (Fall and Winter 2001) – A Publication of the York-Sunbury Historical Society, Inc.
We have back issue copies of Volume 17, Number 2 (Fall and Winter 2001) – “A Publication of the York-Sunbury Historical Society, Inc.” available for purchase for $8 (plus postage and handling).
“Lord Beaverbrook: Fond Memories of a Local Artist” by Pat Flemming (page 3)
This article describes the origins of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery and the relationship between Mary Hashey, well known artist and Lord Beaverbrook, philanthropist. It also discusses at length Hashey’s work and legacy in New Brunswick.
“Maugerville As It Was: A Farmer’s Diary” by Kate H. Miles (page 6)
This article discusses the many mediums of collecting history and in particular accounts of history from primary sources such as diaries of the people who lived through the historical time period being studied. Specifically, this article emphasizes this though its attention to the historical significance of Maugerville, New Brunswick.
“Fredericton Nurse in WWI” by Diane Taylor Miles (page 12)
This article chronicles the life of Nurse Millicent Hosley Lister, and her experiences through letters, first hand descriptions of the machinery and weapons, landmarks and weather in France during her service for the American army in France during the World War I.
“Beaverbrook: Fraud or Saint? A Brief Commentary” by Katrina Dewitt (page 16)
This article acknowledges controversial musings about the moral applause awarded to New Brunswick icon and revered Lord Beaverbrook. Through detailing Beaverbrook’s upbringing, accomplishments, political contributions and business ventures, the author contends all of these support the distinction Beaverbrook heralds and is unquestionably worthy of the praise.
“Recipes from the Pioneer Kitchen” by Pat Flemming (page 18)
This article contains six recipes including: chicken leg delight, economy casserole, maple glazed carrots, stuffed green peppers, cranberry nut bread, and grandma’s honey fruit cookies.
“Collector’s Room English Porcelain 1743-1840” by Katrina Dewitt (page 19)
This article discusses the contribution Lucille Pillow made to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery through her collection of China and describes in detail many of the pieces in the collection as well as China in general of the time. The article goes on to examine its origins and the factories where it was reproduced.
“Queen’s and Regimental Colours of the Carleton and York Regiment“ by Diane Taylor Myles
This article discusses the origins of Carlton and York Regiments, the use of the militia and the significance of colors in battle and symbolically created for meaning derived from courageous battle and presented as honours.
If you are interested in acquiring a copy of this issue of the Officers’ Quarters, please contact the York Sunbury Historical Society and Museum office or drop by the office at 571 Queen Street and pick one up.
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