P132-151 (MC300-MS44-214, see MS18-38) Timothy Lynch
If you think you can help us please leave your comments here.
“Hi there,
I was wondering if you would have any historical data on Timothy Lynch, born in 1841 (Bandon, Ireland) who immigrated to NB [New Brunswick] became a well known lumberman. He first married Harriet Jane Cox (1851-1880; Bath, NB) and then Margaret Bowen (1848? – 1944). I’m trying to develop my family tree.
Any help would be appreciated. If you know who to send this to, please forward the message along.
Thanks very much!”
My Reply:
The only references that I have in the catalogued archival material to a “Timothy Lynch” can be found on the “Photographs and Pictures” and “Miscellaneous Correspondence” pages of the York Sunbury Historical Society Blog. If you go to the “search” function on the right hand side of the screen and enter “Lynch” you will find the pages.
It may not be your Timothy Lynch but it might be worth exploring. You can contact the Provincial Archive of New Brunswick for copies of the material.
There is Cox family genealogical information in the “Genealogical Charts and Family History Papers” on the blog, as well as in the “Lilian Maxwell Genealogical Correspondence”. … copies can be ordered from the Provincial Archive of New Brunswick. There is a reference to the “Bowens” in the “Lilian Maxwell Genealogical Correspondence”. I don’t know if these are the genealogical lines that you are looking for but it’s start.
Cheers! ~ Ruth
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