The Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) during the 2009 Cultural Expressions Festival
The York Sunbury Museum (now the Fredericton Region Museum) office received the following query. I thought that these were good questions and the answer might assist other researchers.
Question: “Is the York Sunbury Historical Society housed in this museum? I understand that they have back issues of The Daily Gleaner (I’m looking for issues in the 1950s) and I would like to know: 1) are these on film or original copies? 2) how can I access them? Any help would be appreciated.”
Answer: The Fredericton Region Museum (formerly the York Sunbury Museum) is operated by the York Sunbury Historical Society and does have a large newspaper collection. We do not keep our archival material on-site since our building is not set up for archival storage. The building that houses the Museum is a National and Provincial Historic Site. Everything that we thought was at risk is stored at the Provincial Archives on campus. The Provincial Archives and the Harriet Irving Library both have the newspapers on Microfilm and are easily accessible to the public. The public library on Carleton Street has some newspapers but I’m not certain how extensive their collection is.
A large part of the York Sunbury Historical Society archival collection that is housed at the Provinical Archives of New Brunswick is catalogued and listed in the MC300, P4-2 and P132 Finding Aids (note that this only includes our catalogued items and is not a complete listing).
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