Volume 11, Number 1 (Winter 1995) – The new Governor-General of Canada once lived in this Fredericton home
We have back issue copies of Volume 11, Number 1 (Winter 1995) – “The new Governor-General of Canada once lived in this Fredericton home” available for purchase for $4 (plus postage and handling).
“Letter from the Editor …” by Ted Jones (page 3)
The letter from the editor highlights a feature of the York Sunbury Museum on the third floor that houses artifacts such as clothing, quilts, portraits as well as documents including several books all dating back to the early 1900’s.
“Letters to the Editor” by Mary Ryan of Fredericton, George Bidlake of Fredericton, Bruce Lynch Assistant Administrator of the York Sunbury Museum and Ralph A. Shaw of Hartland (page 4 & cont. on page 27)
“Curator’s Corner …” by Kelly McKay (page 5)
This article describes several popular winter pastimes in Fredericton in the late 1880’s and early 1900’s. These included several games similar to hockey and tag and were all group oriented and high energy and involved sliding, skating, snow shoeing and sleigh rides.
“Beyond York-Sunbury … British Columbia Hosts UEL Convention” by Fred Hubbard (page 6 & cont. on page 8 )
This article describes the annual convention of the United Empire Loyalists in 1994. It details the tours of the area and historical landmarks, themed dinners, meetings, seminars and workshops.
“Garrison Ghosts” (page 7)
This article draws attention to events from early 1935 related to the York Sunbury Historical Society including monthly, annual and executive meeting highlights.
“Poetry Pavilion” The original Officers’ Quarters was called the Pavilion by Brian Bartlett (page 9)
Poems include: The Skater Tale, A Game on Mt. Iceberg and Museum Radiance
“Aida Flemming … the Later Years” by Carolyn Atkinson (page 10)
This article chronicles Aida Flemming’s incredible self less contribution to her community. She served on numerous boards and was a strong advocate for health care, reading, continuing education and was directly involved with members of the community as well as the SPCA, Childrens Aid Society and the Kindness Club.
“Feature Article … Reflections on Canada’s Flag” by Dr. George F.G. Stanley (page 14)
This article offers insight into the original designer of the Canadian Flag, a short biography and an excerpt from his book regarding the process of creating the final design approved by the Queen, which resulted in the maple leaf portrayed on the official flag of Canada.
“New Brunswick’s Flag – A Parallel Proclamation” (page 16)
“Furniture Expert polishes Off Series” a report by Pat Flemming (page 17)
This article offers insight into antique furniture through restoration and appraisal expert, Alistar Fox. He explains origins and recreations transpired as well as how to restore and preserve furniture today.
“The Officers’ Bookcase … A Daughter’s Tragic Life: Adèle Hugo – La Misérable by Leslie Smith Dow” review by Anita Jones (page 18) – A review of two children’s stories written and illustrated by a young Minto student during his time in grades 7 and 8.
“Recipes from the Pioneer Kitchen …” by Pat Flemming (page 19)
Recipes include: Boston Baked Beans, Aunt Hilda’s No-Knead Brown Bread and Ice-Box Ginger Snaps
“The Search for Klondike Kate” a report by Ruth Scott (page 20)
This article offers information and the progression of the discovery of Klondike Kate’s true identity and contribution women’s movements and Canadian history. Ann Brennan embraced the research and eventually published a book revealing Kate Ryan’s actual experiences from New Brunswick to the North.
“Passing through … Canada’s 25th Viceroy” by Ted Jones (page 21)
This article follows the life of Roméo LeBlanc as a teacher at the Provincial Normal School from his appearance to his route travelled to school and his post teaching career resulting in being Governor General of Canada. It describes, relationships with students, colleagues and the impressions he left on them.
“The Governors-General of Canada” from 1867 to 1995 (page 24)
“Books from the Barracks … A Young Author from Sunbury County: The Adventures of Micmac the wonder Dog and The Adventures of Micmac the Wonder Dog: Tomahawk’s Revenge by Chris Fulton” review by Mary Mayo (page 25)
“The Last Word” with Dr. James Chapman (page 26)
This article documents an interview with Dr. Chapman and discusses his early life, his careers including the military and professor at UNB, the honours he received, his research, publications and an overview from his perspective on the growth of Fredericton.
If you are interested in acquiring a copy of this issue of the Officers’ Quarterly, please contact the York Sunbury Historical Society and Museum office or drop by the office at 571 Queen Street and pick one up.
why is there no cross history of queens county, as this is where
most of the notables here lived????